Managing Your Chats with
In this section, we'll show you how to interact easily and efficiently using the chat feature. You'll learn how to create a new chat, delete, sort, move chats to folders, and rename chats.
Feature overview
Chats und Ordner erkennen

Ihre Chats mit der KI werden im sogenannten „Chatbaum“ aufgelistet, der sich innerhalb der „Chat-Übersicht“ befindet.
Ein Chat ist durch ein Sprechblasen-Symbol (1) gekennzeichnet. Handelt es sich um einen Chat, der einen Assistenz-Prompt enthält, wird das Sprechblasen-Symbol durch einen kleinen Blitz ergänzt (2).
Eine Sonderform der Chats sind Bild-Chats, in denen Bilder generiert werden. Sie werden durch das Portrait-Symbol vor dem Chatnamen gekennzeichnet (3).
Ein aktiver, das heißt gerade geöffneter Chat, wird farbig hinterlegt (4).
Chats können außerdem in Ordnern sortiert und organisiert werden (5). Wie dies funktioniert, erfahren Sie in diesem Abschnitt.
Create a chat

In the chat overview, click on the new chat icon (1), which is represented by a speech bubble with a plus sign. Alternatively, if no chat is open, you can click on the “Start a new chat” button within the chat window (2) click. A new chat window opens.
Delete a chat

In the chat overview, select the chat that you want to delete. Then tap on the “Recycle Bin” menu icon (1) or (2)to create a selection.
When prompted, confirm the deletion.
Delete multiple or all chats

Select the “Recycle Bin” option (2) off, which is at the bottom right of the chat menu. Now check individual chats (2a). Alternatively, click “Select All.” (2b)if you want to select all chats and then delete them.
Finally, click “Confirm deletion.” (2c)to confirm the selection you have made and the deletion.
Sort and move chats

In the chat overview, click on the chat that you want to move.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag and drop the chat to the desired location or into an open folder.
Rename chats

In the chat overview, select the chat that you want to rename and click “Edit chat.” (1). Enter the new name for the chat and confirm with “Save” (1b).
Organize chats into folders
Create a folder

In the chat overview, click on the icon for a new folder, which is represented by a folder with a plus (1)to create a folder. Then give it a name and confirm your entry with “Save” (1a). Alternatively, you can choose Cancel (2)to discard the operation.
Delete a folder

In the chat overview, select the folder that you want to delete. Now click on the “Recycle Bin” menu icon and confirm the deletion when prompted.
Move a folder

In the chat overview, click on the folder that you want to move. Hold down the left mouse button and drag and drop the folder to the desired location.
Rename a folder

Select the folder that you want to rename and then click the pencil icon that stands for “Edit Folder.” (1). Enter a new name for the folder and confirm your entry with “Save” (1a). Alternatively, you can choose Cancel (2)to discard the operation.