Free AI training from AI experts

Online AI training

Are you ready to take your daily work to the next level? With the groundbreaking features of, you can not only make your daily work more efficient, but also smarter. Be inspired by the wide range of options and take advantage of the opportunity to optimize your workflow with our AI experts.

Why you should sign up for our presentation:

  1. Free participation
  2. Field-proven tips and tricks
  3. Interactive live demos
  4. Answers to your questions

What can you expect?

  1. Optimize your work processes
    Learn how to complete daily tasks faster and more precisely.
  2. Increasing your productivity
    Discover how you can do more in less time thanks to
  3. Relieve your team
    Make repetitive tasks a thing of the past.

Sichern Sie sich einen Platz in den kommenden Online-Fachvorträgen unserer KI-Experten.

Versäumen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, das volle Potenzial von kennenzulernen. Melden Sie sich gleich für einen unserer kommenden Fachvorträge an. Nutzen Sie diese Chance, um Ihre Arbeitsweise zu revolutionieren und einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erhalten.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu gesteigerter Produktivität und Effizienz zu unterstützen. Werden Sie Teil unserer erfolgreichen Community und erleben Sie die Zukunft des Arbeitens mit

KI Experte Michael Louis - - KI Berater - KI für Unternehmen
Michael Louis
KI Experte & KI Beratung

Would you like to book individual AI training?

Our AI experts will contact you soon to discuss your specific requirements and goals and provide you with internal training.

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Start the way you want.

Start your way — we offer flexible entry options to meet your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions

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Don't hesitate to contact us

Can I also book training courses for my organization?

When introducing AI into organizations, it is crucial that employees have basic knowledge of how to use generative AI. This makes the difference for an efficient and productive use of such tools. We offer you tailor-made training that is tailored to your needs.
Please feel free to contact us.

Is previous knowledge required to participate in specialist lectures?

No, the lectures are designed in such a way that even people without previous knowledge of generative AI can participate. Presentations that require specific previous knowledge are marked accordingly.

Where can I find individual AI advice for my company?

Just talk to us. We would be happy to help you and recommend a suitable consultant from our network.

Welche Arten von Workshops werden angeboten?

Wir bieten aktuell 2 verschiedene Workshops für Organisationen an:
• Grundlagen der generativen KI
• Wichtige Aspekte im Umgang mit generativen Texttools
• Funktionsübersicht von
• Praxisbeispiele für den Einsatz
• Interaktives Arbeiten mit einschließlich Fragen und Antworten

• Wichtige Aspekte im Umgang mit generativen Texttools
• Einblick in die Administrationsoberfläche von
• Wichtige Schritte bei der Einrichtung:
-Benutzerverwaltung, KI-Modelle, Wissensdatenbank, Team Prompts ,etc.
• Nutzung von Assistenz-Prompts
• Allgemeine Informationen zur API (Programmierschnittstelle)

Diese Schulungen werden Online- und als Präsenz-Workshops angeboten. Sprechen Sie uns gern an. (Link zu Kontakt)

Warum sind Schulungen wichtig?

Generative KI kann Ihre persönliche Produktivität erheblich steigern. Daher ist es essenziell, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Technologie zu verstehen. Je besser Sie über die Nutzung generativer KI informiert sind, desto erfolgreicher können Sie sie in Ihre tägliche Arbeit integrieren. Erfahren Sie unter anderem, wie Sie effektive Prompts formulieren, den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise von Wissensdatenbanken verstehen und den Unterschied zwischen Chat-Kontext und Wissensdatenbanken kennen, um sie situations- und zielgerecht einzusetzen.

What makes different from other AI tools is a client that integrates directly into the operating system and can be combined with various AI tools. has three major advantages over other AI tools:

1. We filter out personal data with every request before it is processed by the AI and then reassembled.

2. With, the AI models used are NOT trained with the data that is used for editing. Therefore, is perfect for use in companies.

3. Our prompt library provides you with over 200 professional prompts, as well as templates for work processes (assistance prompts), which are immediately ready for use and can be extended. This allows you and your employees to start using AI right away.

What technologies does use?

The AI is currently based on leading AI models from OpenAI, Microsoft Azure and Anthrophic. We are constantly expanding the AI models and always provide the latest models from the respective provider.

How does work? is a standalone application that runs in every browser and is available as a desktop app for Mac and Windows. The application uses AI-based systems to process inquiries. If necessary, personal data can be filtered out.
Users can be created and AI models and knowledge databases can be managed via an administration account. The app and data storage are carried out exclusively on servers within the EU.

Who is developed by? is made in Germany by GAL Digital GmbH, a central Hessian digital agency.

There, their own team is continuously developing

Who is suitable for? is ideal for anyone who wants to use generative AI securely and in compliance with data protection regulations, manage prompts and use AI professionally in organizations. Thanks to the attractive pricing model, you can start investing just €10 per month for your entire company.

What languages is available in?

Currently, is available in the following languages:

English, French, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified), Danish, Finnish, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Slovak, Spanish, Czech, Ukrainian, Hungarian.

More languages are planned.

Why should I work with AI in my company?

By using AI, you can save time and money and stay one step ahead of your competitors. Your employees can complete routine tasks much faster and therefore have more time for important tasks.

Where can I use artificial intelligence in my company?

There are many ways that AI can be used effectively in your organization to support your employees.

Here are a few examples:

- Write and reply to emails
- Research
- Reformulate and translate texts
- Solving problems
- Gain insights from unstructured data
- Write tickets
- Create concepts
- Identify errors in unstructured text
- Create or evaluate tables
- Create Excel formulas
- programming
- Evaluation and opinions

and much more